Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We read the Isaac Asimov story "Reason" on December 2 and 4. Post your comments about the story here. You might comment on the Frankenstein Complex or how Asimov uses the Three Laws of Robotics in the story.


  1. i think it is interesting how everytime the robots do really strange and ridiculous things that seem like they are going against the three rules it is actually becasue they are following the rules just much to strict. in my opinion i dont think that they should make the robots so advanced because then annoying junk like the things that happened in this story will happen.

  2. The story uses the frankenstein complex because the robots are created and then they start to go against the people. THe same thing happens in Frankenstein. It shows us that we are not meant to create life because they will start to reason and start to rebel.

  3. I agree with Taylor in thinking robots should stay more simple. The only people meant to do a humans jobs are humans and anytime something else tries the ending will never be good.

  4. i liked this story alot.. i went off of the theme of epicac where the machines arer able to think and reason and they almost seem to have human emotions. i liked the modern i robot better though.

  5. Reason was an interesting story. It was interesting how QT was really doing exactly what they wanted the robot to do but they thought that it was going to ruin the station with its beliefs in the master. Also in the end the prussian may change QTs thoughts because he will be there for weeks and may have a different approach to reasoning with the robot.

  6. cool story would the robot soon replace all the humans?

  7. I liked this story very much and I think that it is very similar to the movie I Robot. However i am not exactly sure why cutie is so mean and why he always feels like he has to go against what he is told. I think that if they had programmed him differently they never would have had this problem at all. I liked this story a lot, partly because I Robot is one of my favorite movies of all time.

  8. I thought this was a very good and very intesting story on how a new robot that can think for itself can come to the fact that it is greater than a human being but still must follow the 3 laws. But I still don't get why it could disobey some of their orders.
