Monday, October 26, 2009

Planet of the Apes

Write your comments about the film Planet of the Apes here.


  1. The movie is pretty good so far. I can't wait to see the inhabitants.

  2. the wild humans remind of the story "the star tower", and the apes remind me of the hussirs

  3. wouldn't traveling at the speed of light cause the light coming from stars to distort?
    It brings up an interesting point, time (and i guess all things) are relative.
    Alien planets always seem to be deserts, Why?
    Monkeys on horses! Sounds like a party!

  4. On a scale of one to ten, I would give this movie a seven and a half because it is a good time. I am excited to see what happens to our spacemen on this monkey world.

  5. Why must the monkies kill the human?!?!?!?!?
    "You know what they say. Human see, human do" I thought that was a good quote. Lol

  6. monkeys shouldn't be allowed to run a world. also it kinda sucked that they killed off the blonde chick in the first 10 min.

  7. I think the overall plot of how humans destroyed themselves was interesting. Also i was wondering why the humans were so primitive to the point of were they couldn't talk. I was wondering if the Apes had ever said the name of the planet that is earth. If they did have a name for the planet did they know it was called earth?

  8. I thought it was an ironic that when the character asked if the was somthing better than man he finds out its apes

  9. even though this is not the modern version i thought it was just as good.. i think it would have been easier to escape those apes than the characters made it out to be.. i liked the ending which made him realize that he was still on earth but years into the future.
